I was hard at work today trimming the roadside hedge of the Orchard. The Derbyshire Country Council had sent me a letter to trim it back so that it didn't encroach on to the footpath. Sure enough it had become overgrown and was narrowing the footpath. I'm presuming that someone local had made a complaint.
Trimming 150 metres of hedge to a height 3.5 metres is hot hard work. I was about one third of the way through the work, so I took a coffee break. I was sitting on the bridge parapet wall drinking coffee and a builder's wagon pulled up alongside me. I thought he was going to offer to complete the trimming work for a price. It turned out that he's seriously interested in buying the land and wanted to know if I was interested in selling. After the Council letter and half a day's hard work cutting hedges I said "yes". He'll be calling back later after I've discussed it with my wife.
He's interested in keeping horses on the land.