Saturday, 8 July 2017

Opening of the Ecclesbourne Way

The public footpath passing through our orchard forms part of the Ecclesbourne Way which is officially opened today (8th July 2017). We've taken part in the scheme to create this Way. One of the interpretation boards has been positioned on our river bank. 

Here's a BBC news article announcing the event. We've worked with people shown on the video and helped them in the installation of the interpretation board at the orchard.  We dug the post holes in preparation and provided materials to mount "our" sign. When the generator for their power tools failed on installation day, we lent their installation team our portable generator for the day.

Today, the gates of the orchard will be open to the people taking part in the inauguration walk. I'll travel by an Ecclebourne Valley Railway steam train from Wirksworth and alight at Shottle station.  From there at 11:30, the participants will take walk along the roadside footpath to our orchard before proceeding  along a section of the Ecclesbourne Way, then back to Shottle Station.

Edit: 9th July

Here's the local MP Rt Hon Sir Patrick McLoughlin  performing the opening ceremony.

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