Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Rip-off Britain

I ventured over to Jewsons in Derby to buy some iron tying wire. Jewsons is a builder's merchant largely serving the trade. We were shocked when we got the bill. It was £12.70 for a 2 kilogram coil of wire.

We'd checked the typical prices on-line before going out. For a 15 Kg coil of 16 gauge tying wire it was £22.00 Ex VAT at Simply Precast.  An identical 2Kg coil at RFA-Tech is £3.66.

I can't see how Jewsons justify charging that price for such a common item.  We have complained. It will be interesting to see how they justify the rip-off pricing. I am not surprised they don't display their prices on-line when they cost 3 times as much as their competition. I doubt very much that we'll use them again.

We'll be using the tie wire to join the reinforcing bars used in the concrete beam we're building for the new gate post in the orchard.

Edit: 19th October 2016:
Following my complaint the local Branch manager called to apologise. Apparently I'd been charged the List Price. He's offered me a 100% discount for the order. Apparently their trade price is £5 for this item! I'll not be taking their offer, it's not the way we do business. We just won't use them again. I guess Jewsons have not adjusted their business model to the impact of the internet where it is very easy for prospective customers to find alternate pricing.

I've discovered my local supplier Twiggs does 15 Kg of tying wire for £23.20 at list price which, allowing for VAT is £1.85 per Kg working out at £3.71 for 2Kg  which is less than 30% of the Jewsons list price.

Their tagline seems so appropriate: "A Jewson lot more..."

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